Friday, June 6, 2014

What's Your Season?

A season is an even more specific classification of your skin tone, taking into account not only your undertone but your hair and eye color as well. Knowledge of your individual coloring is vital to building a beautiful, useful wardrobe.

First, discover your undertone.  Second, find your season.  Third, construct your wardrobe around your best colors!

Before we start, I'd like to make one note: If you like it, wear it. There is always a way to make a color work on you, even if it is a tone that is not in your ideal color palette. For example: if you love a certain color but it washes you out wear it on the bottom paired with a top in a color that complements you.

Cool undertones


In this category can be found the ladies with porcelain skin with black hair, along with those natural white blondes paired with dark eyes, and those with dark skin and eyes. Basically in one line: those girls whose hair and eyes contrast intensely with their skin.

The color palette that a winter girl rocks includes bold tones, like true black and pure white, intense neon colors, crimson or cobalt, and fuchsia and purple. The contrast of these bright hues complements the already dramatic contrast of color in a winter's complexion and hair! 


Like winter ladies, summers have a cool undertone; but their hair and eyes contrast less with each other. Most summers are natural blondes with light eyes, but included are brown-haired beauties with blue or gray eyes.

The best colors for summers are icy, cool tones -- think pastels, delicate tones, pearly shades (ivory, silvery gray, rose, mint) and stark blue and white. These colors will make your face glow and eyes and hair pop. Many vivid colors wash a summer out. If you're a summer and you like bold colors, try keeping to the blues and the greens. A strong, bright red will make you look like a bombshell. Metallics are also a great way to go!

Warm undertones


This is the most diverse group, including brunette, light brown, blonde and redheaded girls with any color eyes. The warm undertone has a dark-gold quality to it.

For your autumn color palette, choose warm, rich, luxurious earth tones. Caramel, sage, salmon, all shades of brown, tomato red, pumpkin are a few ideas. These colors will complement the yellow in your skin and will help you avoid sallowness. 


Spring girls have strawberry-blonde, neutral blonde, red, or light brunette hair in combination with blue, green or gray eyes. They have a lighter undertone than autumn women.

Color palette for springs is intense, colorful, joyful with bright gold undertones like a spring's skin. Lime green, peach, true red, gold, cobalt blue, turquoise, all browns, most greens all look lovely. Ivory will probably be more flattering than white.

I'll finish up with one last word: this is supposed to be a guideline, not a strict law of physics. Wear what you love, because then you will feel happy in your own clothes and skin. Confidence is the best tone for any outfit.

Go color crazy!
Yours truly,
Redhead :) 

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