Saturday, May 31, 2014

Unlock Your Colors

If I had my own way, I would absolutely paint my (future) house like a rainbow. I'd also dress like a field of wildflowers. But before I OD on colors, I need to pick out what actually complements my skin, hair and eyes. The first step in identifying what colors to wear is figuring out your undertone.

Undertone: the shade beneath your skintone that dictates what kinds of colors look good on you. The three options are cool, warm and neutral. There are three simple easy steps to identifying what undertone you have, seen below.

The key to unlocking your perfect color palette is your undertone. Part of drawing out your own natural beauty is working with what you've been given. Find out what your undertone is and dress accordingly.

How To Identify Your Undertone In Three Simple Steps: 

#1: Consider what colors you naturally gravitate towards: if your soul desires cools, such as cobalt or white, you may have a cool undertone; if you gravitate towards fuchsia and pumpkin, then you are more likely to have a warm undertone. If both look good on you (with some exceptions, obviously) then you may be neutral. Whether you prefer silver or gold jewelry also helps, because warm undertones girls usually prefer gold while cool-toned like -- you guessed it! -- silver.

#2: Check your veins. If your veins appear blue, then you have cool undertones; if they appear green, you have warm. And if your veins appear to be both blue and green (like yours truly), then you have a neutral undertone.

#3: The white paper test. In natural light, hold a piece of blank paper to your face; if your face appears to have a tinge of yellow/gold, then you have a warm undertone. If you face appears pink, then you have a cool undertone.

I'm going to post later on how to identify your skin tone "season." It's a way of honing down on what colors you should wear, including complementing your hair and eyes as well as your undertone.

I'm off to get free spirited with color!
Yours truly,
Redhead :)

Friday, May 30, 2014

Hurt + Empty = "I Feel Fat"

I heard an outburst like this recently, in the dressing rooms of a department store: "Gosh, I look so fat! I'd have to loose ten pounds to look good in this dress!"

If you've ever said or thought something similar, please: Rethink!

By saying that you're too fat for a dress (or shorts or skirt, etc) you're assuming that your body is at fault and that somehow you are not beautiful or "perfect" enough to compete with the article of clothing. This mindset admits that, in fact, clothes are more important than you. 

That, if you don't mind me saying, is offal of the bull.

An epidemic of self-abhorrence among women has arisen. Obviously a lot of this can be attributed to an unrealistic standard set by the media: Everyone cannot look like Barbie or a Victoria Secret's Angel. But even beyond that, there seems to be a widespread sense of emptiness, of loss and pain. Women feel like they are ugly because they are unhappy. 

I struggle with self-love too. We all carry wounds and burdens, and often, I think, it makes us feel like we are somehow at fault or inferior because we are hurt. I tend to put the needs and desires of others before my own. I do not take the time to admire myself or pat myself on the back. I subject myself to a constant barrage of criticism.

Many of us are taught that being proud of ourselves is wrong and somehow selfish. There is a healthy balance between self-respect and egoism. Selfishness is being self-centered to such an extent that others' lives are completely unimportant to you. In my personal experience, most women have the opposite problem of degrading their own needs. Now don't get me wrong: it is refreshing and strengthening to take care of other people. I am not preaching against self-sacrifice! But it is important to love and take care of yourself. 

I found this article the other day, about five questions to ask if you do not love yourself. I really recommend it! It has stimulated a lot of thought on my part, on how to build myself up.

I addition to those five questions, here are a few suggestions I'd like to make to build a healthy sense of self:

1. When you look in the mirror, consciously point out to yourself your good points. Focus on the good and the beautiful in yourself and ignore the imperfections! We're always so aware of our faults that our positive side is often lost.

2. Do not change your body to look good in clothes. There is always the right cut, fit, material and color for every body type; do not settle for anything less than The Best for you as you are now. If something doesn't flatter your shape, it's a failing on the clothing's part, not yours.

3. Know your shape, your skin tone, and what looks best on you. Shopping and outfit building is 10x more fun when you know what looks good! Fear not: Experiment.

Please remember: no one has a body exactly like yours. It's beautiful. Respect it; your body was a freely given gift to you.
Yours truly,
Redhead :)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Earlobe Candy

Eyes are the windows to the soul and are the center of a woman's beauty; earrings, by drawing attention to the eyes, are the most important accessory. Shopping for earrings for the summer has been a real treat, I can tell you! I went to Claire's because they are currently have a buy 2, get 1 free jewelry sale. 

Behold my new go-to pair! They are elegant, feminine and flattering to every face shape. I paired these with a cream crochet top and light wash wide flare jeans, channeling a hippie vibe for summer.

Gold & rhinestone chandelier earrings 
Following the guidelines of BAIR (explained in my inaugural post, Creed of Fashion), style should be beautiful and achievable. These earrings certainly fill the bill -- I found both at Claire's for $7.80. If that's not achievable insofar as money is concerned, I don't know what it is.

Both are great for summer: bright, sparkling and full of summertime pizzaz! Both would look great paired with a bathing suit while lounging at the pool or with a flowing sundress.

Aqua hues & silver are great for summer!

Happy accessory hunting for the summer!
Yours truly,
Redhead :)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Creed of Fashion

    In this inaugural post, I could start by marinating the reader in my own sense of fashion; but that feels too pompous.   After all, I'm merely one fashion blogger out of millions trying to have her voice heard over the raucous calls of bigger brand names.

    The purpose of this blog is simple: to be a diary of adventures into fashion fairyland!   I hope this blog will be a free-spirited discussion of all kinds of styles, from boho to goth to preppy to country chic and beyond.
    There is more to life than short shorts, vintage dresses and lace-up boots. The fashion sphere has become stagnant.

     To avoid the over-marketed and the cliche, I have a creed of fashion which I'd like to share with the world, summed up in the acronym BAIR:


The aim of fashion should be to emphasize the natural allure and beauty already glowing within a woman's body and soul.

Fashion is achievable for all women, no matter their size (or wallet or curves).

Fashion should be as individual as you are, a unique statement of your personality and dreams and as deep as your own inner secrets.

Fashion should be real, consisting of articles of clothing that are actually applicable to your daily lifestyle and preference.

I hope you will join me on my serendipitous, wild ride!
Yours truly,
Redhead :)